StarCraft 2 replay (3x3)

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AntLion: Союзник: Artanis (P0): Dragoon

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Team 1
Zerg <1Hero> UnFaiRQueeN Logo
Terran Войска Амуна
Terran Войска Амуна
Team 2
Terran <UCD> DancingBlade Logo
Terran Войска Амуна
Terran Войска Амуна
Game type 3x3
Length 23:28
Europe Union EU
League No data [Ladder Game]
Version SC2 ver.
Match date 1st of February 2021 at 20:33
Upload date 1st of February 2021 at 20:38
+ 5 -
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9 с UnFaiRQueeN Союзникам удачи (rofl)
14 с DancingBlade Союзникам ю2
1370 с UnFaiRQueeN Союзникам gg wp
1374 с DancingBlade Союзникам гг

Nick: E-mail (isn't published): Сайт: 11 + 11 + 1= ?

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