SLush vs LzGaMeR (ZvT)

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Attention! This replay is for old version of StarCraft 2 ( It's recommended to follow on the main page of site and choose some fresh replays.
Player 1
Zerg SLush
[APM: 226] Logo
Player 2
Terran LzGaMeR
[APM: 160] Logo
Game type 1x1
Winner show
Length 33:21
United States US
League No data [Custom Game]
Version SC2 ver.
Upload date 8th of August 2010 at 05:44
Replay added by Turbo
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Map: Metalopolis
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8 с SLush Всем glhf
13 с LzGaMeR Всем glhf
15 с SLush Всем nice timing witht he hellions last game :D
25 с LzGaMeR Всем thank you
30 с KiWiKaKi Всем Kiwi u must show me the way of the Kaki so I can stop being a Protoss N00bcakes
40 с Wolf Всем lolol
43 с CauthonLuck Всем sure dood
57 с KiWiKaKi Всем my builds make no sense tt
59 с SLush Всем lol
59 с Wolf Всем make a lot of units and attack dude
63 с Wolf Всем 8D
75 с CauthonLuck Всем its all about
78 с CauthonLuck Всем micro management
83 с KiWiKaKi Всем yea that can get u to dimaond ez. i figured that out
99 с KiWiKaKi Всем like i have bad building placement and general builds
125 с drewbie Всем you could pick up terran and 7 rax every game
132 с Wolf Всем lmao
140 с drewbie Всем only Z isn't good against it, and nobody plays z on US
141 с Wolf Всем i tried that in beta
144 с Wolf Всем after a reset
152 с KiWiKaKi Всем Yeah dude everyone is P
155 с Wolf Всем i went like top platinum in no time
158 с drewbie Всем er, it only isn't good against Z
160 с drewbie Всем I mean
164 с Wolf Всем with 7 raxing every game vs every race
180 с Wolf Всем but yeah vs zerg it was a bit of a problem o_O
200 с KiWiKaKi Всем fayth u sitll got that 2k bet out for the win a million games achivment?
201 с SLush Всем go random and
205 с Wolf Всем yea
208 с SLush Всем 7rax / 7pool / proxygates
212 с KiWiKaKi Всем thats cool man
222 с Wolf Всем its on to anybody who's up for the challenge
225 с Wolf Всем shud take a while tho ;p
228 с SLush Всем lolol
230 с StrifeCro Всем the sen master ?
233 с Wolf Всем yea
235 с KiWiKaKi Всем yea i can proxy liek a mother fucker. i did nothing but proxies patch 5-13
238 с StrifeCro Всем kul kul
242 с StrifeCro Всем I shall win it
246 с CauthonLuck Всем you shall
247 с Wolf Всем haha
253 с CauthonLuck Всем did sheth play?
258 с CauthonLuck Всем or too noob
258 с SLush Всем ill get a winbot
261 с SLush Всем 1mill wins ez
262 с Wolf Всем too noob
263 с StrifeCro Всем I too newb
271 с Wolf Всем rofl
275 с KiWiKaKi Всем yea fuck that tho. i barely ever get to play as it is. no way i can play 82k games or w/e it is
284 с Wolf Всем hahaha
288 с SLush Всем oo
331 с KiWiKaKi Всем going to gave a smoke. brb
339 с StrifeCro Всем wow
341 с iCCupDiamond Всем that shit kills
343 с StrifeCro Всем who u going to give a smoke?
366 с SLush Всем wow sheth
368 с SLush Всем with the bm
373 с iCCupDiamond Всем with the sexual bm
381 с StrifeCro Всем skyfive no1 likes u
385 с StrifeCro Всем drewbie be quiet
387 с iCCupDiamond Всем t.t
388 с StrifeCro Всем no lies
390 с SLush Всем LOL
394 с SLush Всем huge fail
430 с SLush Всем lol ling
463 с drewbie Всем nerf hellions
469 с StrifeCro Всем nerf rori
470 с SLush Всем lololol
472 с Sheth Всем lol how come zergs just cant block of their ramp
481 с SLush Всем yea
486 с SLush Всем wtf
488 с drewbie Всем they like to gamble
492 с Sheth Всем lol
495 с drewbie Всем "surely I can get off that inject..."
512 с SLush Всем lol
533 с Sheth Всем with sunken there u only need 1 can still inject with 1 hehe
560 с SLush Всем just make speedlings
565 с SLush Всем greedy zergs
582 с Sheth Всем well zergs cant rly afford to make units w/o purpose
596 с Sheth Всем i mean u dont need speedlings for a while
597 с drewbie Всем worker count closer than expected after that
599 с SLush Всем lol
602 с Sheth Всем if u do that build
665 с SLush Всем im confused
687 с SLush Всем 9 sunken
702 с SLush Всем he doesnt have spire
703 с drewbie Всем crazy zerg
705 с SLush Всем he cant broodlord
722 с SLush Всем oh
730 с CatZ Всем imwatching
734 с CatZ Всем and im thinking
739 с StrifeCro Всем geoff plz explain
743 с CatZ Всем either slush is one ofthoseartists
746 с StrifeCro Всем u tell slush this was sunken defense?
748 с CatZ Всем we cant understand
751 с CatZ Всем or he is insane
756 с CatZ Всем and we are watching madness
758 с SLush Всем lolllll
764 с Wolf Всем lol
776 с drewbie Всем adrenal rush
781 с drewbie Всем o.o
821 с SLush Всем ummmmmm
823 с StrifeCro Всем thor has arrived
905 с StrifeCro Всем wow lots of corrupters
913 с SLush Всем go rape those vikings
939 с KiWiKaKi Всем back
942 с KiWiKaKi Всем whatd i miss?
948 с StrifeCro Всем diamondback
956 с CatZ Всем jesse dated john
959 с CauthonLuck Всем copperhead
961 с CatZ Всем for like 2 eps
967 с CatZ Всем but they totally didn'twork
978 с CatZ Всем so jesse dumped john for bill
981 с KiWiKaKi Всем was that diamondback thing directed at me?
988 с StrifeCro Всем yea o o
990 с KiWiKaKi Всем cause that was my ID b4 Diamond
998 с KiWiKaKi Всем i havent heard that in 4ever
1006 с SLush Всем cu exp
1012 с drewbie Всем ultra switch inc?
1020 с KiWiKaKi Всем iCCup.Diamondback2 was too long for the iCCUp servers tt
1032 с CatZ Всем im thinking
1036 с CatZ Всем he retro techs
1040 с CatZ Всем backto roach
1044 с Sheth Всем lol
1046 с CatZ Всем then lairs another hatch
1049 с CatZ Всем for hydra
1089 с StrifeCro Всем I dont understand
1091 с iCCupDiamond Всем awww
1093 с StrifeCro Всем why so many infestors
1102 с Raelcun Всем no clue
1105 с Raelcun Всем gmae is confusing
1106 с drewbie Всем do you understand
1113 с drewbie Всем anything about this build?
1117 с drewbie Всем enlighten me
1117 с iCCupDiamond Всем lol
1122 с StrifeCro Всем everything but infestors
1131 с StrifeCro Всем its a get mass of units build
1136 с Raelcun Всем cause of the banelings
1139 с KiWiKaKi Всем Rori ur imba. Blizz needs to nerf ur ass
1139 с Raelcun Всем shawny
1141 с StrifeCro Всем and can't go bls cuz made jake go mass vikings
1145 с SLush Всем get neural
1152 с drewbie Всем I don't get why he wouldn't make 1-2 broods just to deny the gold
1156 с drewbie Всем or keep it from mining
1159 с StrifeCro Всем can't
1159 с iCCupDiamond Всем mass infested terrans... obv
1161 с drewbie Всем while he had the big air adv
1167 с StrifeCro Всем ah
1168 с StrifeCro Всем dunno
1171 с Sheth Всем he coudnt get himself
1176 с Sheth Всем into air supremcy war
1178 с Sheth Всем woulda lost for sure
1179 с drewbie Всем yea
1183 с drewbie Всем all he needed was 1-2
1188 с drewbie Всем to delay gold a long time
1203 с Sheth Всем iono how long he woulda delayed it
1204 с SLush Всем lol
1214 с SLush Всем looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
1214 с KiWiKaKi Всем man i cant w8 to get my new comp tomoorow
1220 с KiWiKaKi Всем any big battle i cant watch
1222 с drewbie Всем o.o
1223 с KiWiKaKi Всем or ill lag the game
1254 с KiWiKaKi Всем so when 2 big armies run at each other
1257 с KiWiKaKi Всем i got to look away
1267 с SLush Всем ahhhhh
1276 с KiWiKaKi Всем drewbiw bm lag
1278 с iCCupDiamond Всем did you look away?
1279 с drewbie Всем banerinnnnng
1302 с CauthonLuck Всем go paul
1308 с Wolf Всем lol so weird
1309 с StrifeCro Всем that was impressive
1310 с drewbie Всем slush is my hero if he wins this
1316 с Wolf Всем yeah hahaha
1318 с Wolf Всем so sick if slush wins
1326 с SLush Всем zerglings imba
1352 с iCCupDiamond Всем gogo offensive 8 spine crawlers
1357 с SLush Всем look at the
1358 с SLush Всем army tab
1360 с SLush Всем LOL
1368 с iCCupDiamond Всем t.t
1383 с KiWiKaKi Всем slight difference
1386 с StrifeCro Всем 2/2 v 2/0
1386 с KiWiKaKi Всем :)
1389 с SLush Всем ultras soon
1390 с SLush Всем xD
1426 с iCCupDiamond Всем sucj
1428 с iCCupDiamond Всем sick
1428 с Wolf Всем omfg
1429 с Wolf Всем hahahahaa
1430 с iCCupDiamond Всем *
1431 с Wolf Всем so fucking sick
1435 с KiWiKaKi Всем lol
1439 с CauthonLuck Всем go slush go
1441 с drewbie Всем nevermind, nerf banelings
1441 с SLush Всем i love u slush
1443 с Wolf Всем LOL
1443 с drewbie Всем buff hellions
1445 с Wolf Всем omfg
1447 с StrifeCro Всем gotta give props to slush
1449 с StrifeCro Всем holy cow
1455 с SLush Всем loooooooool
1458 с Wolf Всем hhahahaha
1488 с SLush Всем drop
1489 с SLush Всем cu exp
1491 с SLush Всем T_t
1522 с StrifeCro Всем banes
1537 с SLush Всем haha
1556 с iCCupDiamond Всем french power
1565 с SLush Всем ohhh
1566 с StrifeCro Всем ye ultras
1566 с KiWiKaKi Всем COWS
1567 с SLush Всем imbalisks
1568 с StrifeCro Всем that'll win
1568 с CauthonLuck Всем french power
1569 с StrifeCro Всем gigi
1579 с SLush Всем look at those fatshit ultras
1657 с StrifeCro Всем slush has 1 gas
1659 с StrifeCro Всем on 3rd
1660 с StrifeCro Всем with 0 guys
1663 с SLush Всем =[
1674 с KiWiKaKi Всем thats the mark of a pro
1677 с KiWiKaKi Всем its what i do
1705 с SLush Всем omg
1709 с KiWiKaKi Всем wow
1712 с KiWiKaKi Всем fungal is insane
1723 с SLush Всем good thing
1725 с StrifeCro Всем after that fungal
1729 с StrifeCro Всем if he'd made 2 infesteds
1730 с SLush Всем marauders cant win vs lings
1731 с StrifeCro Всем woulda been sexy
1758 с StrifeCro Всем must say amazing game by slush
1759 с StrifeCro Всем x.x
1759 с iCCupDiamond Всем slush so sexy frenchman
1763 с Wolf Всем hahah so sick
1767 с SLush Всем ahahaha
1777 с SLush Всем sick sick game
1778 с iCCupDiamond Всем i want to hear his voice after the game
1799 с KiWiKaKi Всем yeah this is over
1808 с SLush Всем zerg wu jie
1813 с SLush Всем buff terran
1818 с StrifeCro Всем drewbienewbie
1823 с KiWiKaKi Всем if lz was nani he could prolyl survive off one base
1830 с SLush Всем lolol
1830 с KiWiKaKi Всем but since hes nota 1basejwa
1830 с StrifeCro Всем lol ^^
1841 с Raelcun Всем slush pretty hero
1857 с iCCupDiamond Всем his spine crawler getting gangbanged
1864 с iCCupDiamond Всем nvm
1866 с SLush Всем lol
1881 с SLush Всем nice spines
1902 с StrifeCro Всем ye I think so too geoff
1903 с StrifeCro Всем x.x
1911 с SLush Всем lol
1971 с StrifeCro Всем if this was
1973 с StrifeCro Всем kulas revine
1976 с StrifeCro Всем lz could come back
1979 с SLush Всем lol
1981 с KiWiKaKi Всем kulas is so gay
1993 с KiWiKaKi Всем i rotated it out of the iccup map pool
1996 с LzGaMeR Всем gG
1998 с Wolf Всем gg haha
1999 с SLush Всем gg

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